If the device is an Android product and the OS is 10.0.0 or newer, you may need to turn off the 'Private Address' setting in order for our system to register it's your device.
Below are some instructions on how to turn off the ‘Private Address’ setting:
Turn private address off or on for a network
You can stop or resume using a private address with any network. For better privacy, leave the setting on for all networks that support it.
- Open the Settings app, then tap Wi-Fi.
- When you see your Wi-Fi network name in the list, tap the gear icon beside it.
- On OnePlus and Pixel phones, select “Use device MAC.” If you use a Samsung device, tap “MAC address type” and choose “Phone MAC.” If your device is different than both of these, look for a similar option that says “MAC” and enable it.
If this does not work, please contact ITSupport@sau.edu or provide the below information if you already have a ticket open to troubleshoot.
Please Provide:
Operating System Version:
MAC/WiFi Address:
If you are registering a device, please use this screen to copy down the Wi-Fi Address (to be used as MAC Address) at https://pcreg.sau.edu
Information pulled from:
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